Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake

by Easy to cook

4.6 (1)







My sister-in-law gave two big pumpkins to me and my niece. The pumpkins for me were long gone. When I was out for dinner with my niece’s family the day before yesterday, she took another pumpkin out of the car and said, "Auntie, this is the last time we were together. I don’t know how to cook the pumpkin I brought. I don’t know how to deal with it. I still need it for you, otherwise it will be wasted.” This girl really understands my heart, and I will share it with me anyway. Pure organic ingredients are good. After being left for so long, the skin becomes a little yellow, and after cutting it, you can smell the unique fragrance of pumpkin. A dozen kilograms of pumpkin can make N dishes, and more recently. Eat pumpkin. O(∩_∩)O~Healthy, nutritious, and green food, so much better~


Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake

1. Peel and slice the pumpkin, put it in a steamer, and steam for 15 minutes

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

2. Pour out the steamed pumpkin to the sweat, pound it into pumpkin puree while it is hot, and add a little sugar

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

3. After the pumpkin puree cools down, about 30 degrees Celsius, add yeast powder

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

4. Add flour at the same time, stir it into a snowflake shape, until it can form a dough

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

5. Sprinkle some dry flour on the panel, take out the dough and knead until there are no small pores (about 20 minutes)

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

6. Spread a little cooking oil on the inner wall of the container and put in the kneaded dough

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

7. Cover with plastic wrap or a clean damp cloth and leave to ferment for about 90 minutes in a warm place. The dough is more than 2 times larger than the original one.

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

8. Wash the raisins with boiling water, remove and drain

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

9. Squeeze it evenly on top of the hair cake

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

10. Cold water into the steamer

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

11. Cover the pot, turn on high heat and steam for 20 minutes

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

12. Take out the steamed rice cake

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

13. Easy to buckle upside down on the cutting board

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe

14. Cut into pieces and eat

Pumpkin Raisin Hair Cake recipe


The initial steps of making steamed cakes are similar to those of making steamed buns, except that the dough does not need to be kneaded and squeezed. It can be steamed directly in the steamer. If you want the finished product to be beautiful and complete, apply a little cooking oil in the container and it will be easy after steaming. take out. You can use red dates, candied dates, blueberries, etc. without raisins.


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