Quick Sour Noodle Soup

Quick Sour Noodle Soup

by Small dimples passing by💋

4.7 (1)








Quick Sour Noodle Soup

1. 1. First, prepare the ingredients you need: white sesame seeds. I use cooked white sesame kernels. The chives are cut into chopped green onions in advance.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

2. 2. Next, pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot. If you like to drink soup, you can add more water.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

3. 3. Then, boil the water in the pot until it boils, then lower the noodles into the pot to cook the noodles.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

4. 4. You can pour water into the pot once in the middle, and turn off the heat after the water in the pot boils again.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

5. 5. Next, put a little cooking oil in the pan. When the oil is hot, pour an egg into the pan, fry it and serve it out.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

6. 6. Then, pour a little cooking oil into the pan again, heat the oil in the pan and turn off the heat.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

7. 7. Take a large bowl and put in the bowl in turn: chopped green onion, sesame seeds, chili powder and rice vinegar, and stir them evenly with a spoon.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

8. 8. Immediately afterwards, pour the previously cooked hot oil into a large bowl, and stir them evenly with a spoon again.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

9. Finally, put the boiled noodles in a bowl, then put an appropriate amount of noodle soup, put the fried eggs, you can put two hot cooked vegetables next to it, you can start eating, very appetizing, you too Try it now.

Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe


1. The amount of seasoning can be used according to personal taste.
2. I use hollow dried noodles, which can absorb more soup than ordinary dried noodles.
3. For edible oil, it is recommended to use corn oil or sunflower oil with a smaller smell.
4. Be sure to heat the oil and pour it into the sauce. The taste is good.


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