Quinoa Eight Treasure Rice

Quinoa Eight Treasure Rice

by Wutai Mountain Ceremonial Quinoa

4.8 (1)








Quinoa Eight Treasure Rice

1. The cleaning and steaming process of quinoa: 1. Wash 200 grams of quinoa and soak in a bowl for 3 hours to absorb enough water. 2. Spread a layer of steamer cloth on the bottom of the rice cooker steamer, and spread the washed quinoa evenly on the steamer cloth. 3. Put a proper amount of water in the inner pot of the rice cooker and put it in the steamer. 4. Cover the pot, turn on the power and start steaming for 30 minutes. 5. After the steam comes out of the pot, open the lid at intervals and sprinkle a small amount of cold water on the quinoa. Special reminder: Whether it is steamed quinoa or steamed glutinous rice or other coarse grain products, sprinkle a small amount of cold water at intervals. This process is called "sprinkling pulp" by Shanxi people, which is conducive to the maturity of coarse grain products. At the same time, the steamed product Coarse grains are soft and waxy in color and translucent. 6. Steam until the quinoa expands and the surface is crystal clear and transparent, and the quinoa rice is steamed.

2. Processing process of auxiliary materials: 1. Put the lotus seed to remove the lotus seed heart in a cup, pour an appropriate amount of cold water over the surface of the lotus seed, and put a piece of rock sugar. 2. Remove the jujube pits from the red dates and place them in a cup. 3. Put water in the pot to support the steaming rack, put two cups on the support, cover the pot and steam for 30 minutes until the red dates and lotus seeds are cooked. 4. Peel off the shells of walnuts and badan wood. 5. Cut the walnuts and almond wood into small pieces with a knife. 6. Cut the dried persimmons into small dices with a knife, peel off the shell of dried longan, and cut into small dices with a knife.

3. The bowling process of eight-treasure rice: 1. Prepare a small bowl, brush a layer of cooking oil evenly on the bottom of the bowl, and put a pattern on the bottom of the bowl with Chinese wolfberry (the picture must be reversed). 2. Spread a layer of steamed quinoa rice evenly on the surface of the wolfberry, and flatten the surface by hand. 3. Spread red dates, longan meat and dried persimmon evenly on the quinoa rice. 4. Spread a layer of steamed quinoa rice evenly on top, and flatten the surface by hand. 5. The lotus seeds are scattered around the edge of the quinoa rice to form a circle, and walnut and almond wood are placed in the center of the circle. 6. Spread a layer of steamed quinoa rice evenly on top, and flatten the surface by hand. 7. Scatter the raisins on the edge of the quinoa rice to form a circle, and put goji berries in the center of the circle.

4. The steaming process of quinoa eight-treasure rice: 1. Put water in the pot to support the steaming rack, and put the bowl with quinoa rice on the support. 2. An empty plate is inverted on the top of the bowl. 3. Cover the pot and steam for 15 minutes. 4. Take out the bowl and buckle it upside down on the plate. 5. Decorate the sides with coriander.


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