Radish Meatball Soup

Radish Meatball Soup

by Zhubajie Food Life

5.0 (1)







When I was young, my grandmother liked carrot balls. At that time, because I ate carrots every day, I didn’t like them. But carrot balls were my favorite when I was young. The Q bombs were chewy and the fragrance of the radishes filled my mouth. Kind of happiness!


Radish Meatball Soup

1. Chop white radish and carrots, and dice lean meat

Radish Meatball Soup recipe

2. Add a little salt to marinate for 5 minutes, filter out the excess water, then add salt and egg to mix well, then add sweet potato powder and continue to stir

Radish Meatball Soup recipe

3. After mixing, knead into a ball shape and set aside

Radish Meatball Soup recipe

4. Add proper water to the pot and add a little ginger to make it fresh

Radish Meatball Soup recipe

5. After the water boils, add the kneaded balls and cook for 10 minutes on high heat

Radish Meatball Soup recipe

6. Then add a little green vegetables to make it fresh, add a little salt before serving

Radish Meatball Soup recipe


1. Add an egg, this will make the balls special Q-bomb, very chewy.
2. The meatballs made by yourself should be cooked for a while because the mix is relatively dry.
3. The salt in the balls must be put less, or it will cover up the fragrance of the radish.


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