Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread

by White sunshine love

4.9 (1)







I especially like to study food. This bread is my favorite. It is made with goji berries, raisins and red beans. It is delicious and nutritious. The skin has a strong egg yolk flavor. It is especially fragrant when it is baked 😍"


Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread

1. Prepare the materials and put them away

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

2. Pour all the ingredients into the flour bowl. Use the prepared amount of warm water (a quarter of a small bowl to melt Angel Yeast) and set aside.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

3. Use warm water yeast to knead the ingredients in the basin into this state. Knead the dough with milk for the rest.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

4. Knead the dough to this level with milk. Put it in the basin.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

5. Cover the basin containing the dough with a lid and wrap it with a blanket to allow the dough to rise properly. It takes about 40 minutes to an hour to see if the dough is more than twice as large as it is fermented.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

6. Fermented dough. Take it out and use it

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

7. Divide into 8 pieces and knead into dough cakes.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

8. Use a rolling pin to roll out the bag and add the prepared bean paste.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

9. After being wrapped, it looks like a steamed bun.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

10. Put in the oven and brush with egg yolk liquid, sprinkle with white sesame seeds. Black sesame can also be used, hee hee 😁.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

11. Put it in the oven at 180 degrees, and bake for 20 minutes. (Note that the bread can be preheated for five minutes before putting it in the oven.)

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

12. It was out in 20 minutes, and the whole room was filled with fragrance. Too fragrant😜😜

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

13. You can eat it, break the fragrant red bean paste flavor,

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe

14. It's best to add a red bean paste, take an appropriate amount of red beans, soak two or three handfuls in hot water in advance for about an hour, then boil it over high heat and simmer it over low heat, mash it while collecting the juice, and scoop out the juice as shown in the figure. Add appropriate amount of sugar according to personal taste.

Raisin Goji Bean Paste Bread recipe


The red bean paste is made by myself. When the bread is first baked, the skin is a bit crispy, and it is very soft when it is left for about ten minutes.


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