Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

by Food Fun Vegetable House

4.7 (1)







Dried cowpea, the Chongqing dialect refers to more than just a dish, but also to describe a person who is very thin, like lightning. Ever since I was a child, I have often been called dried cowpea by others, so now I am more unscrupulous and fearless when it comes to eating. Because I’m not fat by nature, I am very pleased that my parents gave me this. Ability.
Whenever it comes to summer, when cowpeas are on the market in large quantities, my mother always cooks the unfinished cowpeas with water, and then puts them in a ventilated place to dry naturally. The straight cowpeas are comforted by the sun and breeze, giving up the pride of the past. , Become a lot milder. Fresh cowpeas can be used to make many dishes, such as minced meat and cowpeas, stir-fried, garlic, and braised. But the dried cowpea does not lose its flavor. After natural baptism and artificial processing, dried cowpea has a special taste of time precipitation. Just like bacon, you can feel the taste of time slowly melting in your mouth when you eat it.
Every time after making dried cowpeas, my mother always likes to use it for braising. In this way, you can taste the taste of cowpea even in winter. Dried cowpea absorbs the essence of the meat, fully infiltrating the mellow meat, oily but not greasy, and the key to making this dish is to use pork belly, which is soft and glutinous and salty, with special rice.
I made this roasted pork with dried cowpea, based on the traditional method, and beautified a little bit. Rather than scatter the dried cowpea all over, it is better to wrap the pork belly neatly. The lingering friendship makes people feel pity. Not only beautiful, but also delicious. If someone comes to you and serves such a plate of roasted pork with dried cowpea, one piece for you and one piece for me, it will be so happy that the bottom of the plate will be exposed in an instant. And when the tea doesn't think the rice is not fragrant, being able to cook such a dish for yourself is also an expression of loving yourself.


Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

1. 1. Prepare the ingredients in advance, wash the pork belly and cut into thin slices for later use, soak the dried cowpea two hours in advance

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

2. 2. Cut the pork belly with appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, pepper, and cooking wine, set aside for later use

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

3. 3. Bundle the marinated pork belly with soaked dried cowpea (must be tied tightly, otherwise it will be easy to spread when cooking)

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

4. 4. Put oil in the pot and heat until 7 is mature, add garlic rice, ginger rice, and peppercorns until fragrant, then pour in the bundled dried cowpea meat slices, and stir gently for 5 or 6 times

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

5. 5. Put the right amount of soy sauce (because it was left before, you don't need to put too much, otherwise it will be salty), spices (star anise, bay leaves), white sugar into the pot, add right amount of water to continue cooking

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

6. 6. During cooking, use a spatula to flip gently, and when the meat becomes soft and moisture is quick to dry, it can be out of the pan

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

7. 7. Sprinkle some chopped green onion on the plate, and a plate of fragrant dried cowpea roasted pork is ready

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe


1. Dried cowpea needs to be soaked 2 hours in advance
2. It's better to be tighter when binding dried cowpea, otherwise it will boil out in the pot
3. Because soy sauce and salt are added when marinating the pork belly, it is best to taste it first to avoid too salty when starting the pot later.


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