Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

by Zizi d delicious

4.9 (1)







Husband said he wanted to eat some oily and watery dishes. I remembered that my brother gave a large bag of dried cowpeas before he had time to eat them. So he thought of making a dried cowpea roasted meat.
The dried cowpea absorbs the meat and tastes better than the meat. The meat is crispy but not rotten and not fatty. In the end, even the soup is mixed with rice, there is nothing left~~"


Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

1. Soak dried cowpeas in cold water.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

2. Wash and cut pork belly.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

3. Add water to the pot and blanch the pork belly.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

4. Add a spoonful of cooking wine.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

5. Boil the water and remove it for later use.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

6. Prepare garlic, ginger, rock sugar, cinnamon, star anise, bay leaves.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

7. Pour oil in the pan, add ginger and saute until fragrant.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

8. Stir fried pork belly.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

9. Pour the cooking wine.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

10. Stir fry until the pork belly comes out of oil, add rock sugar.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

11. Add a spoonful of soy sauce to color.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

12. Add cinnamon, star anise, bay leaves, garlic.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

13. Add a bowl of boiling water.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

14. Boil the water and add the soaked dried cowpeas. Cover the pot and simmer for about 40 minutes until the dried cowpeas are fully cooked.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

15. Add the right amount of salt to the high heat to collect the juice and it will be out of the pot.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

16. Finished picture.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe


Dried cowpeas should be soaked in warm water in advance, then cut into small pieces, and stewed with the meat. It tastes better. Add enough water for the stew, because you need to add the beans and stew together, which requires a lot of water to prevent dry pots.


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