Sausage Fried Sprouts

Sausage Fried Sprouts

by Scarlett WH

4.8 (1)








Sausage Fried Sprouts

1. Prepare raw materials;

Sausage Fried Sprouts recipe

2. Put the sausage into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water and a little oil;

Sausage Fried Sprouts recipe

3. Cover and simmer for two minutes;

Sausage Fried Sprouts recipe

4. Uncover the lid and stir-fry the sausages until the fat of the sausages is slightly sautéed out;

Sausage Fried Sprouts recipe

5. Add garlic slices and red pepper to stir fry;

Sausage Fried Sprouts recipe

6. After the aroma comes out and stir-fry, add the spore kale and continue to stir fry;

Sausage Fried Sprouts recipe

7. Stir-fry until the cabbage is slightly discolored, then add salt to taste; finally stir-fry evenly;

Sausage Fried Sprouts recipe

8. Put it into a bowl.

Sausage Fried Sprouts recipe


1. The sausage can be steamed in advance when it is fried; if it is not steamed, add water to braise the sausage for two or three minutes;
2. Sausage itself has oil, so you can put less oil when frying, stir the oil in it, and then saute the seasonings such as garlic and red pepper;
3. Put the spore cabbage in and stir fry. Pay attention to the different head sizes of the spore cabbage. Divide the larger one into two before cooking; the spore cabbage is easy to cook and can be seasoned after it changes color.


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