Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings

by Moonlight's small kitchen

4.6 (1)







Today is the fifth day of the first lunar month. Commonly known as "Bao Wu", we in Yantai today have the custom of setting off firecrackers, sending the poor, and eating dumplings. "Bao Wu" means to drive out "bad luck" and "poor life" from home. The better you come, the wealth of money comes in and the good fortune comes again. Today, we used scallops and dried fragrant, with dumpling stuffing made of leeks. The taste is very delicious and nutritious. The dough made with spinach juice is delicious, fresh and beautiful...


Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings

1. First, prepare the ingredients for the filling, pick and wash the leeks, rinse the scallops, and dry them dry.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

2. Chop the dried fragrant with a knife, and chop the scallop side.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

3. Finely chop the leeks, coriander, green onions, and finely chop ginger.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

4. Put the chopped dried fragrant dried and scallop sides, leeks and green onion ginger in a larger pot, and add the pepper powder first.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

5. Add chicken essence to increase the taste.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

6. At this time, add appropriate amount of salt to taste according to personal taste.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

7. Then add oyster sauce to taste and color.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

8. Finally add peanut oil and homemade lard.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

9. Mix all the ingredients and stir evenly.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

10. Strain the juice from the spinach leaves, take out 170 grams, and put them in the wheat core powder.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

11. Make a smooth dough and relax for half an hour.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

12. After the loose dough is kneaded, knead it into long strips, and then pull it into an agent of the same size.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

13. Flatten the agent and use a rolling pin to roll it into a thin round dough.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

14. Put an appropriate amount of stuffing on the rolled dough,

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

15. Just wrap it up as you like.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

16. Wrap all the dumplings in turn.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe

17. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot and bring it to a boil. Put the dumplings into the pot. After the fire is boiled, add a little water and repeat twice. When you see all the dumplings floating on the water, you can turn off the fire.

Scallop Fragrant Dried Jade Jade Dumplings recipe


Because there is no meat in the filling, do not cook for too long when cooking, so as not to boil the leeks to affect the taste and cause nutrient loss...


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