Scallop Pumpkin Soup

Scallop Pumpkin Soup

by Fang is too happy to eat

4.7 (1)







The thick pumpkin soup is paired with tender scallops. I won’t say how delicious it is. Everyone knows.


Scallop Pumpkin Soup

1. Ingredients map

Scallop Pumpkin Soup recipe

2. Heat a pan, add butter, fry the pine nuts until golden brown, set aside;

Scallop Pumpkin Soup recipe

3. Pour olive oil into another pot, add pumpkin and onion, and fry until half cooked;

Scallop Pumpkin Soup recipe

4. Pour in water and boil until the pumpkin becomes soft, add salt and pepper to taste, cook until the pumpkin is crisp and add light cream, wait for the soup to boil, pour it into a food processor and break;

Scallop Pumpkin Soup recipe

5. Open the scallops, marinate them with salt and pepper, put them in a pan, fry them in butter until golden brown, and then serve them on a plate.

Scallop Pumpkin Soup recipe


Both pine nuts and scallops are fragrant when fried in butter.


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