Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes

by Knorr

5.0 (1)







Saying that scrambled eggs with tomatoes is a national home cooking, I don’t think anyone would object to it. So classic, so homely, how could it not be done? But if you want to cook deliciously, you have to master a little trick, so that you can surprise your family and yourself, right?


Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes

1. All ingredients

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes recipe

2. Put the eggs in a bowl and stir to scatter them with chopsticks. Wash the tomatoes and remove the stalks, cut into small pieces for later use

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes recipe

3. Put the oil in the pan and heat it to 70% hot, pour the egg liquid into the pan, quickly stir and fry it into a fluffy scrambled egg in the pan and serve it out

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes recipe

4. Put the oil in the pot and heat it to 50% heat, first add the chopped green onion and sauté

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes recipe

5. Pour in the tomato cubes, stir-fry for 1 minute on high heat, add salt, chicken essence, and sugar to taste, and stir well. Adding chicken essence makes this tomato scrambled egg taste more delicious, and it makes people appetite.

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes recipe

6. Finally, put in the scrambled eggs, stir-fry well to serve

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes recipe


1. In this dish, the eggs are scrambled first, and then the tomatoes are fried. The purpose of this dish is to prevent the tomatoes from precipitating too much water during the frying process, which will affect the taste of the eggs.
2. In the process of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, add Knorr Chicken Essence to reflect the effect and get a more refreshing and rich taste, but it should be noted that it is best to add it just before the pan, so that the freshness and fragrance can be perfectly blended. .


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