Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake

Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake

by HumiL

4.8 (1)







The nian gao nian gao has a high year, and the simplest ingredients make the least simple dishes. The umami taste of seaweed and the salty taste of soy sauce make rice cakes taste very simple. This is one of my favorite methods of rice cakes.
You don't need to add oil. Don't use seasoned seaweed. You can also make rice cakes by yourself.


Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake

1. Prepare the ingredients

Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake recipe

2. Place the rice cakes neatly on the baking tray

Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake recipe

3. Bake in an air fryer at 160 degrees for about 5 minutes, until it bulges

Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake recipe

4. After taking it out, brush both sides with soy sauce, you don’t need to brush too much

Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake recipe

5. Wrap the sea moss, open the mouth downwards

Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake recipe

6. Re-enter the air fryer and bake at 160 degrees for about 5 minutes.

Seaweed Grilled Rice Cake recipe


1. You can use an oven without a fryer
2. Increase or decrease the time appropriately, the first time you must bake it until it bulges, and the final bake for 3 to 5 minutes


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