Secret Dried Radish

Secret Dried Radish

by NANA9399

4.8 (1)







Pickled dried radish Pickled dried radish is a must-have side dish on the table in our country.


Secret Dried Radish

1. Wash the radishes and cut them into strips about 1 cm in length, sprinkle with salt and let stand for 4 to 5 hours to let it out

Secret Dried Radish recipe

2. Pour out the water in the radish strips and let it out flat. Don’t pour out the radish water. Set aside

Secret Dried Radish recipe

3. Peanuts soaked in radish water overnight

Secret Dried Radish recipe

4. After soaking the peanuts overnight, let them dry without rinsing and let them air out.

Secret Dried Radish recipe

5. Dry in the sun

Secret Dried Radish recipe

6. Turn the dried radishes during the drying process to prevent the dried radishes from becoming moldy

Secret Dried Radish recipe

7. Dried radish dried to 50% dried

Secret Dried Radish recipe

8. 1. Dried radishes are dried for about 3 to 5 days (depending on the weather). When they are 70 to 80% dry, mix them with peanuts in a non-oil and water-free container. Stir well and set aside\n2. Put it in a clean pot with no oil and water and boil for about 10 minutes. Note that the raw water must be boiled and let cool for later use\n3. Pour the cooled raw water into the mixed dried radish before adding Stir the chili powder evenly, marinate overnight and eat


The finished picture 1 is a picture of the finished product after marinating overnight. Add a small amount of sesame oil and stir evenly when eating.\nThe finished picture 2 and 3 are the appearance after marinating for a week.\nIt should be noted that put in oil-free and water-free preservation Put the box in the refrigerator and keep it in the refrigerator. Take as much as you eat. Add sesame oil when you eat and mix well


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