Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce

by Sister Lai's Private Kitchen

4.9 (1)







Slightly spicy sweet peppers and green peppers have a freshness and taste. "


Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce

1. Wash the chicken legs and cook them in a pot.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

2. After the cooked chicken legs are cooked, pick them up and let them dry for a while, and don't burn your hands.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

3. Dice the pickled peppers and put them in a bowl, then put some peppercorns.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

4. Cut appropriate amount of celery and small green peppers and put them in a bowl for later use. Celery can also be replaced with spring onions.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

5. Shred carrots, green onions, ginger and garlic, and set aside.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

6. Heat the oil in the wok, the oil is hot and the temperature is about the same when it smokes, and then pour it into the prepared bowl of pickled peppers. After hearing the sound of swelling, there is a light fragrance.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

7. Put the minced ginger and garlic and mix in a bowl of cooked oil.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

8. The cooled chicken drumsticks can be torn to the required size.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

9. Add the spices that have been cooked in oil just now and mix well.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe

10. You can eat it after standing still for a while.

Shredded Chicken Drumsticks in Spicy Cold Sauce recipe


Other spices can be prepared for the time to cook the chicken drumsticks.


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