Shredded Radish Dumplings

Shredded Radish Dumplings

by Mother Maizi

4.8 (1)







The radish is calm in nature, pungent and sweet, and enters the spleen and stomach meridian; it has the effects of eliminating stagnation, reducing phlegm and clearing heat, lowering the qi and widening the middle, and detoxification. So there is a proverb: "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, without the husband prescribing a prescription"! Today I used shredded radish to make the stuffing dumplings.


Shredded Radish Dumplings

1. White radish peeled

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

2. Use a plane to make shredded radish

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

3. Add some salt to marinate for a while, squeeze out the water

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

4. Add some cooking wine to the pork puree

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

5. Start the frying pan, I use lard

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

6. Add pork mash and stir fry

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

7. Then add shredded radish and stir fry

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

8. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar and stir well

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

9. Add some chicken noodles before cooking, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and serve.

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

10. Put water-milled glutinous rice flour and rice flour in a large basin

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

11. Add appropriate amount of hot water, stir with chopsticks first, then knead it into a long ball when it is not hot

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

12. Pull down an agent, about 42 grams, after the wrong round, use your thumb to stick the dry powder, and turn out a big nest in the middle of the dough.

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

13. Add the fried shredded radish filling

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

14. Slowly hold hands with tiger's mouth

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

15. Put small cut brown leaves in the steamer, brush some oil, and put the finished dumplings on the zong leaves

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

16. After the water is boiled, steam it in the basket for about 10 minutes

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

17. Take a small whole star anise and stick some food coloring

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe

18. Turnip shredded glutinous rice ball complete

Shredded Radish Dumplings recipe


The water-milled glutinous rice flour I used was too soft, so I added some rice flour. If you use normal glutinous rice flour, you don’t need to use glutinous rice. It’s delicious and you can’t be greedy.


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