Shrimp Braised in Red Wine

Shrimp Braised in Red Wine

by Fat man

4.8 (1)







A very distinctive seafood meal. Fresh sea prawns are braised in dry red sauce, the color of the finished dish is bright red, and the wine has a strong aroma. "


Shrimp Braised in Red Wine

1. The prawns must be washed and controlled in water for later use.

Shrimp Braised in Red Wine recipe

2. Heat oil in the pan and put it in the ginger pot.

Shrimp Braised in Red Wine recipe

3. Add the prawns.

Shrimp Braised in Red Wine recipe

4. Stir fry until the prawns are oily.

Shrimp Braised in Red Wine recipe

5. Add dry red, white sugar and salt.

Shrimp Braised in Red Wine recipe

6. Stir fry evenly.

Shrimp Braised in Red Wine recipe

7. Cover and simmer on medium heat for 3 minutes, turn off the heat and serve.

Shrimp Braised in Red Wine recipe


Don't add MSG.


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