Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe

Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe

by Staying in the rain 88

4.9 (1)







Vegan vegetables Yo! There is no fat content, so you can try it if you want to lose weight.

Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe

1. After the bean sprouts are cleaned, wash and drain the water. Wash the bean curd and cut into fine strips.

Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe recipe

2. Add half a teaspoon of salt to the pot and boil, blanch the bean sprouts and bean skin into the pot. When the blanched bean sprouts and bean skin become a little soft, immediately remove and soak in cold water. Remove and drain the water for later use.

Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe recipe

3. Shred the cucumber.

Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe recipe

4. Put the bean sprouts, bean skin and cucumber shreds in a larger container, add minced garlic, 1 tablespoon and a half of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, half a tablespoon of salt, half a tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of chicken essence, and chili powder according to your taste. Add to. Stir.

Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe recipe

5. After mixing, a delicacy is ready.

Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe recipe

6. Let's have another bottle of tomato drink, which has the unique nutrition and flavor of tomato, Ningxia wolfberry, honey, etc., rich in nutrition, and very delicious.

Silver Sprouts Mixed with Bean Curd to Lose Weight Recipe recipe


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