Simple Health Eight-treasure Porridge

Simple Health Eight-treasure Porridge

by Xuefenger

4.8 (1)







Congee is one of the most health-preserving diets. After the porridge is cooked, a layer of delicate, viscous, ointment-shaped substance floats on it. It is called "rice oil" in Chinese medicine, and is commonly known as porridge oil. It has a strong nourishing effect, comparable to ginseng soup. It has the effects of nourishing the middle energy, nourishing qi, nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the essence of the kidney, promoting longevity, prolonging life and nourishing the face. Drinking a bowl of hot porridge in this cold winter can help keep you warm, increase your body’s ability to keep out the cold, and prevent you from catching a cold. In fact, making porridge is very simple. As long as you have the patience and time, and cook it slowly, the porridge will be delicious. . "


Simple Health Eight-treasure Porridge

1. Beans should be soaked in advance.

Simple Health Eight-treasure Porridge recipe

2. Wash barley, peanuts, barley, etc.

Simple Health Eight-treasure Porridge recipe

3. Put them together in the pot and bring them to a boil.

Simple Health Eight-treasure Porridge recipe

4. Simmer for one and a half hours on low heat, and turn off the porridge until it thickens.

Simple Health Eight-treasure Porridge recipe

5. If you like sweetness, you can add rock sugar. .

Simple Health Eight-treasure Porridge recipe


The eight-treasure porridge can be any beans and whole grains you like, and it will be good if it is boiled over a slow heat.


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