Smoked Chicken Croissant Sandwich

Smoked Chicken Croissant Sandwich

by Student clover

4.8 (1)







An advanced way of eating croissants. It is worth mentioning that the filling of this sandwich can be used as a salad alone. This is a recipe that kills two birds with one stone.
As long as the croissant you use is of normal body shape, the following amount can be used to make four croissant sandwiches.
A croissant internal portal of normal size:


Smoked Chicken Croissant Sandwich

1. Wash and drain the lettuce. Please do this as the first step so that the lettuce has a longer draining time.

2. Tear the chicken into small pieces by hand. This step can also be cut with a knife, but it seems that the texture of the chicken fiber torn by hand is different.

3. Cut the shallots into small pieces of about 5 mm (just a little bigger than the chopped green onions)

4. Cut each grape into quarters.

5. Use a knife to grind the cashews a little bit, but don't get too crushed, they won't be chewed.

6. Mix together the chicken, grapes, shallots, cashews, dried cranberries and grated cheese with Mayonnaise. Stir well. Season with salt and black pepper.

7. Cut the croissant in half. Tear the lettuce to a suitable size and dry it with kitchen paper or absorbent paper.

8. Place the lettuce on the cut half of the croissant, add the stuffing mixed in step 6, you can sprinkle a little bit of shredded cheese, and then cover with a piece of lettuce and the other half of the croissant, you are done!


1. Regarding chicken: I use the ready-made smoked chicken that I bought in the supermarket and used it to make sandwiches. If you don’t have it, you can cool the cooked chicken, or use the grilled chicken left over from yesterday’s dinner.
2. Grapes, cashews, dried cranberries and cheese are all optional in this recipe. You can add or not add them according to your own preference. You can also decide how much to add. But I suggest adding at least two of them in order to maintain a certain sense of hierarchy.
3. The amount of Mayonnaise can also be determined according to your own taste and the taste of Mayonnaise.
4. Any kind of cheese can be used. We like Parmesan.
5. The lettuce must be drained and dried before being put into the bread. This has a great impact on the taste of the sandwich.


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