Smoked Chicken Feet

Smoked Chicken Feet

by Millet Spicy Pork Liye

4.9 (1)







The smoked chicken feet made for dinner is a favorite for the whole family, and it is simple and delicious to make for my husband with a spicy flavor. "


Smoked Chicken Feet

1. First soak the white and fat chicken feet in water.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

2. Put cold water in the pot, add the chicken feet, pour the cooking wine, turn off the heat and remove it for later use.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

3. Put warm water in the pot without wiping the chicken feet. Add soy sauce, rock sugar, fresh soy sauce, cumin (without salt), bring to a boil over medium heat and change to low heat for about 20 minutes.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

4. When there is a little soup left in the pot, turn to high heat.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

5. There is no time to turn off the soup.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

6. Take out the chicken feet and place them on a cutting board to cool for later use.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

7. Put two napkins in the pot, put an appropriate amount of sugar, and prepare two chopsticks.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

8. Place the chicken feet and prepare to smoke.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

9. Start on medium heat. After the sugar has melted and the smoke is released, change the heat to low for 2 minutes and then turn off the heat. When the smoke is not opened, take out the chicken feet and let cool.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

10. Smoked chicken feet have a fragrance all over the house.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

11. Mix the juice with a taste, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil, spicy millet, sesame, coriander and set aside.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

12. Put the spicy sauce into the chicken feet. I made two chicken feet to satisfy different tastes.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe

13. The smoked chicken feet are so delicious that you can't hide your mouth.

Smoked Chicken Feet recipe


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