Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce

by sourcehe

4.6 (1)







It's flu season again, here's a dish of anti-flu dish-lettuce with sour garlic. The sulfur-containing compounds in sour garlic have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, detoxify the intestines, promote appetite, accelerate digestion, and control flu. "


Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce

1. Pick off lettuce leaves one by one, wash and soak for 5 minutes; PS: Soaking can remove the residue, but the time should not be too long

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe

2. Remove the soaked lettuce, drain the water, and set aside;

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe

3. Sour garlic, chopped into fines;

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe

4. Boil water and add lettuce;

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe

5. Lettuce, cooked, quickly remove;

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe

6. Remove the lettuce, drain the water;

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe

7. Heat up the pan, pour the oil, and stir-fry the sour garlic, fry the aroma;

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe

8. Put salt and soy sauce to boil;

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe

9. Pour the cooked sauce on the boiled lettuce;

Sour Garlic White Spoon Lettuce recipe


1. The lettuce should not be too long when washed and soaked;
2. Just blanch the lettuce;
3. The sauteed sauce should be poured on the lettuce while it is hot.


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