Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon

Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon

by Dusty

4.6 (1)







There is a kind of ice cream called Suibian, and now it has become a mantra. Ask what to eat, whatever you want; ask what kind of food you want to eat today, whatever you want; ask the kids what to wear today, whatever you want. . . . . . Where is so much casual! Anyway, I’m the only one today, what I want to eat and what I want to eat, just as simple as I am alone!
Give yourself a creamy mushroom pasta with luncheon meat and it's done in 15 minutes! I hate trouble when I am alone, I just want to eat delicious food soon! Try it, not bad!


Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon

1. Put half a pot of water in a non-stick pan, add a spoonful of salt, and bring to a boil on high heat.

Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon recipe

2. Put in a handful of pasta, turn to medium heat and cook for 10-12 minutes, cook until the pasta can be broken with chopsticks!

Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon recipe

3. During this period, the luncheon meat can be cut into strips for later use.

Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon recipe

4. Transfer the cooked pasta to a plate, then clean the pan, turn on a low heat, put the luncheon meat in, fry for a while, and fry it hot (just removed from the refrigerator).

Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon recipe

5. Then pour in all the creamy bacon meat sauce, stir fry for a while, and heat up the sauce.

Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon recipe

6. Then turn off the heat and pour the fried luncheon meat and sauce on the cooked pasta. Decorate with mint leaves.

Spaghetti with Luncheon Meat and Creamy Bacon recipe


Note: 1. The sauce is the finished sauce used, and the taste is not bad!
2. Add salt when cooking the pasta!
3. After lunch, stir-fry together with the sauce! Just mix well before eating!


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