【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】

by quenny

5.0 (1)







This is the third dish I made last time I bought shrimps. Actually, I finished it a long time ago. But in time for the holidays, I don’t want to sit at the computer and update my diary even though I can stay at home. . . Then drag and drag until it's so late. . .

I started packing things up today, and found that the cartons I bought before seemed to be insufficient, and there was not much stuff in them, and the two boxes were full. . . I can almost imagine the big and small boxes when I move. . . Well, continue to pack up tomorrow. . .

Staple food: spaghetti appropriate seasoning sauce: appropriate amount of fresh shrimp, half an onion, two tomatoes, 1 bag of mushrooms, half a bag of Shi Yunsheng's mellow broth, cooking wine, starch, garlic, white pepper, tomato sauce, sugar, and salt."


【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】

1. Remove the head and tail of the fresh shrimp, peel off the shell and pick out the shrimp string on the back and abdomen, and pour into half a bag of Shi Yunsheng thick broth

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

2. Add appropriate amount of cooking wine and dry starch

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

3. Grab well and marinate for 10 minutes

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

4. Diced onion

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

5. Diced tomatoes

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

6. Cut the bagged mashed mushroom slices in water a few times

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

7. Mince garlic and set aside

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

8. After the oil in the pot is hot, pour in the marinated shrimps, smooth and loose

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

9. Stir-fry until the color changes

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

10. Hold out

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

11. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, heat up, pour in onion and stir fragrant

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

12. Pour the mushrooms into the mouth and stir evenly

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

13. Pour in diced tomatoes and stir-fry well

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

14. Pour in the right amount of cold water

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

15. Add minced garlic

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

16. Add white pepper

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

17. Add tomato sauce, stir well, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

18. Add sugar after opening the lid

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

19. With salt

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

20. Pour the shrimp

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

21. Stir-fry evenly and serve the seasoning sauce

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

22. After the water in the pot is boiled, sprinkle a little salt and oil, add the pasta and cook

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

23. Fish out too cold

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe

24. Put it on a plate and drizzle some seasoning sauce on it.

【spaghetti with Shrimp and Mushroom Sauce】 recipe


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