Spicy Fried Clams

Spicy Fried Clams

by swysys

4.8 (1)







Just make it if you want


Spicy Fried Clams

1. Soak in salt water for an hour

Spicy Fried Clams recipe

2. I am afraid that the sand will not be clean. There is a small way. Heat in a dry pot and pour the clams in. You can also add a little less water and fry the clams. Slowly they will open their mouths and spit out white liquid. This is sand water. Open your mouth. Take out the clams and rinse them with running water, there will be no sand. Drain the washed clams and set aside.

Spicy Fried Clams recipe

3. Cut some ginger, green onion, garlic, dried chili and set aside

Spicy Fried Clams recipe

4. I forgot to take a picture in this step. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the green onion, ginger, garlic and chili until fragrant, pour the clams and stir-fry, add some cooking wine, steamed fish oil, a little salt, light soy sauce, basically just fine, don’t fry The time is too long.

Spicy Fried Clams recipe


I fry too much, so it doesn't look good!


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