Spicy Screw

Spicy Screw

by Shrimp

5.0 (1)







Because I prefer spicy food, the restaurant cooks too lightly, so I tried it myself. "


Spicy Screw

1. Prepare the ingredients, cut the green onion into shreds, cut the ginger into slices, and cut the garlic into cubes (I added garlic later)

Spicy Screw recipe

2. Prepare the quantity of chili and sesame pepper according to personal taste, which is the key to taste

Spicy Screw recipe

3. Use a hammer to knock off the pointed part of the screw, exposing the meat and making it easier to eat. Wash several times until the water is clean.

Spicy Screw recipe

4. Pour the oil, sauté the scallion, ginger, garlic, add red rice pepper, Chinese pepper, aniseed, and sesame pepper to make up the flavor. Add the screws and consume the water of the screws.

Spicy Screw recipe

5. Pour cooking wine. Go fishy

Spicy Screw recipe

6. Add water, just before the screws.

Spicy Screw recipe

7. Add bay leaves and stir fry a few times.

Spicy Screw recipe

8. Add the noodle sauce, add thirteen incense, sesame oil,.

Spicy Screw recipe

9. Boil on high fire. Collect the juice.

Spicy Screw recipe

10. The delicious screws are on the table

Spicy Screw recipe


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