Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish

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Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish

1. One mandarin fish weighs about two to three ounces per catty. Cut off the head and keep the fins on the head.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

2. Slash with a knife along the spine of the fish from both sides. When cutting, put a rag on the bottom of the fish to prevent slippage. The mandarin fish has a hard sting and be careful not to hurt your hand.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

3. Make an incision along the thoracic cavity, taking care not to cut off the tail, and remove the middle spine.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

4. Remove the ribs of the fish.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

5. Boneless mandarin fish as shown.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

6. Cut with an oblique knife about 30°, then switch to a straight knife to cut in another direction. Or divide the straight knife into strips first, and then push the diagonal knife forward slightly. Be careful not to cut the skin.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

7. After cutting, sprinkle 2g of salt and pepper, two spoons of cooking wine, marinate for 15 minutes.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

8. Add 15 grams of light soy sauce to 70 g of tomato sauce, and mix 3 g of starch with 100 g of water to make water starch.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

9. Use kitchen paper to absorb moisture, sprinkle cornstarch on the fish and rub it evenly.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

10. Note that every piece of fish must be covered with starch, especially the roots.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

11. Let them separate and shake off excess starch. Sprinkle some starch on the fish head too.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

12. Put 500g of oil in the wok. When it is 50% hot, carry the fish tail, let the fish fry in the oil and lift it up, repeat several times. Or a hand-held fish, a spoon in one hand, scoop the hot fish and pour it on the fish, so that the fish pieces are separated as much as possible, until the fish pieces are separated.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

13. After the fish is slightly shaped, let go into the pot and fry until crisp and brown.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

14. Fry the fish head in oil, remove it and place it in a fish dish for shaping.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

15. Leave a little oil in the wok and saute the ginger.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

16. Add the side dishes, as the season changes, the side dishes can be replaced with other dishes.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

17. Add tomato sauce and water starch.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

18. Cook until thick.

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe

19. I make a lot of side dishes, because the children eat fish and don’t eat anything else, so...everyone who is a mother understands 😜😜😜

Squirrel Mandarin (mandarin) Fish recipe


It is best to heat up the oil pan when sprinkling starch on the fish, and then start frying before the starch on the fish returns to moisture (clumping), so that the fried fish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.


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