Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat

by Dream peach

4.6 (1)







It is delicious to make buns with fungus and meat. The weight of the fungus is the weight that has been soaked and weighed. The dried shrimps should be washed several times with water to avoid sand. "


Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat

1. Boil the yeast and warm water 10 minutes in advance.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

2. Put the flour in the basin and mix with yeast water to form a smooth dough.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

3. Cover the kneaded dough tightly and set aside to relax. (Next prepare minced meat)

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

4. Prepare the pork filling, soaked mushrooms, fungus, and shrimp skin.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

5. Chop the mushrooms and fungus, wash the shrimp skins, and add them to the meat.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

6. Add the salt and all the ingredients in the auxiliary materials one by one. (Salty and light can be adjusted according to personal taste)

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

7. Mix and mix into fillings.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

8. Take out the dough and knead it flat and vent it, and divide it into equal portions.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

9. Take a dough paste and roll it out into a thick disc.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

10. Pack the right amount of fillings.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

11. Pack it tightly and close it tightly.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

12. Put all the wrapped raw buns in a steamer, cover tightly and ferment until they are twice as large.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

13. Put water in the pot and bring to a boil, put in the fermented raw buns, cover tightly, and steam for 15 to 20 minutes to turn off the heat.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe

14. Finished product.

Steamed Buns with Fungus and Mushroom Meat recipe


After the buns are steamed, let them simmer for 5 minutes before opening the lid. Prevent the buns from collapsing.


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