Steamed Okra with Spicy Tempeh

Steamed Okra with Spicy Tempeh

by The sound of crossing the sea 83

4.6 (1)







Because I like it, I try various methods. I recommended "Chopped Pepper and Garlic Okra" before, but today I tried steaming it and it was delicious!


Steamed Okra with Spicy Tempeh

1. Wash the okra, remove the head and tail, cut it from the middle, and put it on the plate.

Steamed Okra with Spicy Tempeh recipe

2. Chop garlic and put it in a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of sugar, 2 tablespoons of tempeh hot sauce, and 2 tablespoons of chopped peppers and mix well. (Because tempeh and chopped pepper are both salty, so no more salt, choose your own according to taste)

Steamed Okra with Spicy Tempeh recipe

3. Pour the mixed juice into the middle of the okra.

Steamed Okra with Spicy Tempeh recipe

4. After boiling the water in the pot, put it in the steaming rack, put the okra, cover the pot and steam for 5 minutes. It must be noted here that the okra should not be steamed for too long, otherwise it will turn yellow.

Steamed Okra with Spicy Tempeh recipe


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