Steamed Razor Clams

Steamed Razor Clams

by Wan Fengling

4.9 (1)







The biggest feature of this dish is that it retains the complete shape of the razor clams, but also retains the most delicious taste. Luo Xiansen loves it very much, and he said he would buy it again and let me steam it. Actually, I learned this dish from my mother, and it tastes good~~


Steamed Razor Clams

1. After the razor razor is cleaned, raise it in clean water for half an hour and remove it

Steamed Razor Clams recipe

2. Use a knife to cut the back shell of the razor clam

Steamed Razor Clams recipe

3. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and cooking wine to the plate

Steamed Razor Clams recipe

4. Put ginger slices on it and put it in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes to make it delicious. Flip once in the middle

Steamed Razor Clams recipe

5. After the water is boiled, put it on the steamer and steam for about 8 minutes. Take out and serve.

Steamed Razor Clams recipe

6. Sprinkle with green onion leaves to decorate, then pour the original soup evenly on the plate

Steamed Razor Clams recipe


1. Using a knife to cut off the back of the shell is the key, not to cut the meat.
2. After adjusting the taste, refrigerate it in the refrigerator for more than 30 minutes to make the razor more delicious.
3. The simpler way is to put a steamer and cook with the rice when cooking, the taste is as good.


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