Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut

by Love cooking D greedy cat

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Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut

1. Prepare materials.

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

2. Wash the sauerkraut and then disassemble the sauerkraut. Place the sauerkraut slices on the bottom of the plate and shred a small part of the leaves. Finely chop pepper, celery into beads, and chop half a plum. Wash the tofu fish, then remove the head and tail, remove the fins, and then remove the fish bones and place them on the plate with the skin down. (Tofu fish processing: put the knife at the head of the fish, don’t cut the knife to two thirds, then grab the fish body and pull it back to get the internal organs. Cut off the tail and heel fin with a knife, and remove the fish bone: fish tail facing I, the fish maw to the right, start from under the bone of the fish maw, pull the knife against the bone and pull it down, then turn over the bones of the fish body, and then you can see it, and then move the knife from under the bone to pull the fish bone back. Can take a whole piece of fish. If it’s not easy to handle, you don’t need to take the bone to open the side or cut it into sections. Cut into sections and steam for 8 minutes)

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

3. Add half a tablespoon of chicken powder, half a tablespoon of oil, a small amount of celery beads, and half of chopped sour plums to the shredded sauerkraut tails and mix well. (No plums without sour plums)

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

4. Sprinkle the sauerkraut leaves evenly on the tofu fish.

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

5. The remaining sauerkraut leaves cover the tofu fish.

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

6. Steam for 6 and a half minutes after the water is boiled.

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

7. Pour the fish soup and add a small amount of water to boil. Try to taste. If it is too sour and salty, add a few sugars to mix, add celery beads, minced chili, and half a tablespoon of oil. Then use cornstarch water to thicken.

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

8. Take the sauerkraut leaves and drizzle it with gorgon juice.

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

9. Sauerkraut steamed tofu fish.

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe

10. Continue serving.

Steamed Tofu Fish with Sauerkraut recipe


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