Stewed Beef

Stewed Beef

by Su Zimian

4.9 (1)







Compare the home-cooked beef stew. "


Stewed Beef

1. The ingredients are as shown in the picture. Soak 500g beef in clean water for 15 minutes to remove the blood. Add a spoonful of cooking wine, a little black pepper, a little dried basil, and a spoonful of light soy sauce. Marinate for half an hour. Also prepare 10 small tomatoes (2-3 large ones are sufficient) and 10 small carrots (2-3 normal-sized ones)

Stewed Beef recipe

2. Cut carrots into pieces with a hob and blanch them for later use.

Stewed Beef recipe

3. Cut the tomatoes and stir them until they are slightly pulpy. Stir-fried tomatoes will have a stronger sourness. If you are used to stewing tomatoes directly, you can omit this step.

Stewed Beef recipe

4. Lift the frying pan, cold fry the fragrant pepper, then take out the pepper, add the chopped dried chili, garlic, ginger, green onion, etc., and stir-fry until fragrant.

Stewed Beef recipe

5. Pour the beef and stir fry, add a little soy sauce, a little dark soy sauce, and a tablespoon of bean paste after it is cut.

Stewed Beef recipe

6. Add the fried tomatoes, stir-fry and add boiling water to cover the meat noodles. Add a spoonful of cooking wine and a spoonful of oil (to seal the liquid surface, mainly to make the beef taste more delicate), turn to low heat and simmer for one hour (can be reduced to half an hour as appropriate, I simmered more because there is nothing to do) A while).

Stewed Beef recipe

7. Skim off the oil on the surface (for health, reduce fat intake, haha), add blanched carrots, turn to medium heat and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Stewed Beef recipe

8. Slightly collect the juice on high heat and then it will be out of the pot. This dish is sour and spicy and appetizing, and it is salty and fragrant. It is a good choice whether it is served with rice or noodles.

Stewed Beef recipe


It's better to use a casserole for braising, but I only have a wok, so I just make do with it.


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