Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe

by Spinefish (from Tencent.)

4.6 (1)




1h 30m



Smilax glabra is a very good Chinese medicinal material. It is an excellent ingredient for detoxification and dehumidification. The soup is the best for health. It has the effect of eliminating dampness and heat, detoxifying and cooling blood. You can usually use some to cook the soup to remove the moisture in the body.


Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe

1. Prepare the ingredients, clean the chicken, and cut into pieces

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe

2. Clean the ingredients and soak in water

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe

3. Put the chicken in boiling water and blanch it, add a few slices of ginger, and clean the blood

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe

4. Put the cleaned chicken into the stewing pot, add appropriate amount of water and ingredients

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe

5. Turn on the power, set the stew function 1.30 minutes

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe

6. Stew, stew, time slowly passes, the chicken broth is ready to be simmered, let’s taste it, just add some salt and get out of the pot

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe

7. The soup is very clear, sweet and delicious!

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe

8. Let's have soup together

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe

9. Finished product

Stewed Chicken Soup with Tuckahoe recipe


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