Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp

by Gluttonous

4.8 (1)







Spare ribs and seaweed are stewed together, this is a delicate and fragrant delicacy. The ribs are less greasy and the kelp has a meaty fragrance. The most beautiful is the soup, which combines the freshness of kelp and the meaty fragrance of the ribs. "Clear stewed ribs and kelp" can be used for both vegetables and soup. "


Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp

1. Wash the ribs.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

2. Soak, wash and cut the seaweed.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

3. Put the ribs into the pot with cold water.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

4. After boiling, simmer for 1 minute. Then remove and rinse.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

5. Put the ribs in an electric pressure cooker.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

6. Add green onion and ginger.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

7. Add clean water, so that the water has covered the ribs.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

8. After boiling, simmer for 20 minutes.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

9. After releasing the pressure, add the kelp and season with salt. Simmer for another 10 minutes and serve.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe

10. Put it out of the pot and put it in a bowl, ready to serve.

Stewed Pork Ribs and Kelp recipe


1. For stewed dishes, dark seasonings such as light soy sauce can be omitted.
2. Be sure to stew the ribs thoroughly and add kelp.


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