Strawberry Cake

Strawberry Cake

by zeychou

4.8 (1)








Strawberry Cake

1. Mix low-gluten flour, red toner, and baking powder evenly.

Strawberry Cake recipe

2. Take a large bowl, add 120 grams of sugar and eggs, sift into the mixed flour, mix well, add milk and butter that has softened at room temperature and continue to mix well.

Strawberry Cake recipe

3. Pour the mixed batter into a 6-inch cake mold and pat a few times to expel bubbles. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees, bake for about 30 to 40 minutes, until the toothpick is inserted and pulled out. After baking, let cool and set aside.

Strawberry Cake recipe

4. Add 30 grams of sugar to the heavy cream, beat it, and refrigerate for later use.

Strawberry Cake recipe

5. Wash the strawberries, cut in half, and drain.

Strawberry Cake recipe

6. Cut the cake into two pieces and smear one of them with cream.

Strawberry Cake recipe

7. Arrange the strawberries and use a piping bag to fill the gaps with cream.

Strawberry Cake recipe

8. Cover another piece of cake and press lightly.

Strawberry Cake recipe

9. Spread a layer of cream on the surface.

Strawberry Cake recipe

10. Squeeze a circle of cream flowers on the surface of the cake.

Strawberry Cake recipe

11. Mount decorative patterns on the side.

Strawberry Cake recipe

12. Just put strawberries on top.

Strawberry Cake recipe


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