Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine

by Fire plated red leaves

4.6 (1)







Speaking of afternoon tea, I prefer Chinese desserts, such as rice cake stuffed with egg-flower wine, which has the effect of nourishing blood and nourishing health. It can be cold or hot, with a little fresh lime slice, which is sweet and fragrant, especially delicious.


Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine

1. Each material

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe

2. Beat the eggs, slice small limes and set aside

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe

3. Boil the rice cakes with boiling water to soften

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe

4. Scoop up the rice cakes and set aside

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe

5. Add a bowl of water to the fermented rice and boil

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe

6. Add rock sugar

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe

7. Pour the egg liquid into the fermented rice and spread it out

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe

8. Turn off the heat after boiling

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe

9. Stir in the rice cakes in the egg-flower wine stuffed, add lime slices, ready to eat

Stuffed Rice Cake with Egg Flower Wine recipe


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