Sugar Crispy Meatballs

Sugar Crispy Meatballs

by Li_Xiaohua

4.9 (1)







Very sweet and delicious!


Sugar Crispy Meatballs

1. Pour the flour into the basin and set aside

Sugar Crispy Meatballs recipe

2. Cut the pork fat into small 5mm by 5mm cubes, add to the flour and knead together; deep fry into small rounds with a diameter of 4 cm, set aside for later use

Sugar Crispy Meatballs recipe

3. Heat the pot, add olive oil, sugar, and turn slowly. The fire should be small, otherwise it will be caramelized, the sugar will melt slowly, and then the big bubble will turn into small bubble, you can add the fried small balls

Sugar Crispy Meatballs recipe

4. Pour the small round ball in and turn it evenly

Sugar Crispy Meatballs recipe

5. Then you can turn off the heat. At this time, you have to keep turning it to let Xiao Yuanzi put icing on each

Sugar Crispy Meatballs recipe

6. When it gets cold, it forms icing

Sugar Crispy Meatballs recipe


When cooking the icing, use a low heat and be patient.


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