Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce

Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce

by sourcehe

4.9 (1)







Chinese New Year, of course we have to eat rice cakes. The sweet and sour rice cakes boiled in tomato juice means sweetness and happiness for a year.
Rice cakes boiled in tomato juice are not only sweet and sour, but also appetizing. It can also promote appetite during the New Year. Compared with big fish and meat, rice cakes boiled in tomato juice are lighter and more delicious, suitable for all ages. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins. They are more nutritious and healthy when eaten cooked.


Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce

1. Prepare ingredients: rice cakes, tomatoes, white sugar, chives and other ingredients;

Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce recipe

2. Peel the tomatoes, wash them, and cut into pieces.

Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce recipe

3. Wash the rice cakes and cut into pieces;

Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce recipe

4. Boil water, add the rice cakes and cook until soft, remove and drain the water for later use;

Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce recipe

5. Heat the pan, pour the oil, add the tomatoes, stir fry, add water and white sugar, and boil it into tomato juice;

Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce recipe

6. Pour the cooked rice cakes into the tomato sauce pot;

Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce recipe

7. Put salt and chives, mix well;

Sweet and Sour Rice Cakes Boiled in Tomato Sauce recipe


1. The rice cake is too hard in winter, you can steam it and cut it;
2. The taste of tomato peeled is good;
3. Remember to put sugar or it will be too sour.


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