Sweet-scented Osmanthus Buns

Sweet-scented Osmanthus Buns

by Food is to please oneself and beauty

4.7 (1)







Various patterns of white steamed buns, made a bottle of sweet-scented osmanthus honey last year. "


Sweet-scented Osmanthus Buns

1. Dissolve the osmanthus honey with warm water, add yeast powder to dissolve it, and let stand for five minutes

Sweet-scented Osmanthus Buns recipe

2. Add flour and yeast water to knead a smooth dough. Fermented to about twice as large.

Sweet-scented Osmanthus Buns recipe

3. Take out the exhaust and knead it smoothly again.

Sweet-scented Osmanthus Buns recipe

4. After being divided into small doses, it can be rounded, or it can be cut directly. It is faster and wakes up for about 20 minutes. It can be steamed in the pot, cold water pot, about 15 minutes after the water is boiled for ordinary steamed buns, if it is a large steamed buns, extend the time appropriately.

Sweet-scented Osmanthus Buns recipe

5. Very sweet, very fluffy steamed buns, just a little big bubbles.

Sweet-scented Osmanthus Buns recipe


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