Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup


4.8 (1)







Winter melon wears a green dress. The round cute winter melon is named after its shape is extremely appropriate. When I was young, I saw that the foggy things on the surface of winter melon resembled hoarfrost in winter. I thought winter melon was a fruit and vegetable in winter. Winter melon is shaped like a pillow, and it is also named as winter pillow. In fact, winter melon is mainly produced in summer. There are very few allusions and articles about winter melon in history. The most famous Su Dongpo is a meatless master who loves pork belly. Didn’t he know that roasting winter melon and pork belly, its deliciousness surpassed his unique love? A joke~ It is true that winter melon's awkward appearance can not express feelings, and it is obvious that it does not invite ancient literati. A strange phenomenon is that monks like to eat winter melon; in the Song Dynasty, winter melon was the "seasonal vegetable" of monks in winter. Song dynasty monk Shih Fan’s "Sixty-six Verses": "I was not at home last year, so I missed the Double Ninth Festival. If I was at home this year, I needed to force installations. Boiled winter melon in fresh water is really good. Those who don’t know the taste, but like chewing pig iron "This poem is written.... The taste of winter melon is so different between the master and the vulgar. Winter melon weight loss is a secret that everyone on earth knows. I have a good appetite for a bowl of soup before a meal, and I can’t eat without the soup before each meal. Drink soup before meals to reduce weight, and it is easy to gain weight after meals! Soup is a very easy to digest and very nutritious food! In autumn, the climate gradually becomes dry. In this case, the skin is insufficiently hydrated, and symptoms such as allergies and roughness are prone to appear. Winter melon is a good hydrating product. Eating winter melon can effectively treat skin problems. Winter melon is sweet in taste, diuretic, clearing away heat, reducing phlegm, and quenching thirst. Among them, the content of sugar and vitamins are high and it contains no fat. Whether it is simmered in soup or braised, winter melon can lose weight and reduce fat, replenish deficiency and replenish qi. Winter melon ball soup belongs to Cantonese cuisine; it is a delicious and delicious Han nationality dish. This soup is not greasy and fragrant and delicious.
Eliminate edema and remove human body moisture; thus achieve the effect of weight loss and beauty, so that the skin can regain vitality.
Original by GODOFMERCY. This article is originally based on my real experience; the content is for reference only and is purely a personal hobby. If you don’t like it, don’t spray it. If you need to solve a specific problem [especially in the fields of law, medicine, etc.], it is recommended that you consult professionals in related fields in detail.


Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup

1. Wash the chicken breast and pork belly and chop into minced meat. Put the meat filling into a large bowl. Add egg white, ginger powder, cooking wine, and add chicken powder seasoning to tender the meat. The meat is very tender after mixing. The taste of the meat is more intense. Place an appropriate amount according to your own taste, and then stir evenly

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

2. The skin of winter melon must be cleaned first, and the flesh of the melon must be removed.

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

3. The meat filling is made into even-sized meatballs for later use. After being placed, the meat becomes stickier and firmer, and it is not easy to boil loose after being cooked. Or put it in the refrigerator and it won’t boil in the pan

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

4. Cut the winter melon into 0.5 cm thick squares. Rinse the cut winter melon pieces with water and drain the water.

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

5. Put the ginger slices in the pot to heat oil

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

6. Add water to boil the ginger juice and adjust to low fire

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

7. Put the winter melon and cook until translucent, then you can add the meatballs

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

8. Put the meatballs in, and when the meatballs change color and become tight, gently push them with a spoon to prevent them from sticking. When adding water to the soup, it is best to use hot water. Cold water will lower the temperature of the hot pot, and the meatballs will become hard when they are cold. Do not add too much water, the soup is thin and not thick. The high-boiled soup made by submerging the winter melon and meatballs is rich in flavor. Put all the meatballs in and bring the soup to a boil to remove the foam

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

9. Prepare two clean bowls

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

10. Put the cooked winter melon meatball soup into two bowls separately

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

11. Put the salt in the winter melon meatball soup

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

12. Sprinkle in pepper to increase aroma

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

13. Add chicken powder seasoning

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

14. Sprinkle in chopped green onion

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

15. Very fresh 1 scoop to enhance the umami taste

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe

16. The nutritious and tender winter melon meatball soup is ready

Take Away The Dry and Tender Winter Melon Meatball Soup recipe


1. When adding water to the soup, it is best to use hot water. Cold water will lower the temperature of the hot pot, and the meatballs will become hard when they are cold. Do not add too much water, the soup is thin and not thick;
2. The meat filling is made into even-sized meatballs for later use. After being placed, the meat becomes stickier and firmer, and it is not easy to boil loose after being cooked. Or put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate the pot and it will not boil;
3. Put the meat filling in a large bowl, add egg white, ginger powder, cooking wine, and mix in chicken powder seasoning to have the effect of tenderizing meat.


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