#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival# Sakura Protein Candy
Prepare all materials in advance
Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg whites and stir at a low speed. When fish eye bubbles appear, add half of the fine sugar. If the egg whites are slightly delicate, pour the other half of the fine sugar and turn to high speed
Whip until it is hard, the meringue is delicate and shiny, until the egg beating head appears upright and double small pointed grooves (white beating is very important, and it directly affects the three-dimensional texture of the meringue shape)
Sift in milk powder and cornstarch, and mix well
Sift in milk powder and cornstarch, and mix well
Cut the piping bag into the cherry blossom mouth, and then apply pink meringue to the edge of the piping bag
Pour in the remaining meringue
Put greased paper on the tray and squeeze the small cherry blossoms. When squeezing, remember to leave a little space between the two (I don’t use much pigment, so the color of the finished product is not obvious. You can add more next time. During the baking process, the color is also Becomes slightly shallower)
Preheat the oven in advance, and then bake the middle layer at 100 degrees for 45 minutes. After the oven is cool, it can be broken out by gently breaking it.
The finished product is beautiful! (The color is not obvious enough)
One more finished product, cute!