The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes!

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes!

by Pure breakfast

4.8 (1)







During this period of time, the temperature in Beijing has been below minus 10 degrees. It is too cold. It is cold and I want to eat some warm food. Yesterday Xiaopu made the noodles by myself. It tastes good. I have a bowl of noodles and my whole body is warm. A bowl in the morning or in the evening is very warm. For breakfast or dinner, a bowl of nutritious and delicious noodles, a cup of Wuzhen powder that nourishes the spleen and nourishes the stomach and removes moisture is warm and healthy. The key is that it saves time. Any age can eat it~"

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes!

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of shredded tofu for later use.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

2. Prepare an appropriate amount of kelp shreds for later use.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

3. Wash an appropriate amount of rape for later use.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

4. Prepare an appropriate amount of fish tofu for later use.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

5. Prepare a thick soup treasure.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

6. Prepare the right amount of noodles.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

7. Put water in a casserole, boil over high heat, add thick soup, fish tofu, shredded tofu, shredded kelp, etc., and cook for a few minutes.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

8. Put the noodles in, stir and cook for three minutes.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

9. Prepare the right amount of coriander, chopped green onion and goji berries.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

10. Put the rape and wolfberry in the pot and cook for three minutes.

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe

11. When it comes out of the pot, add coriander and green onion to make a delicious breakfast noodle soup. Quickly make the Wuzhen noodles, hold the small bench, and start eating~

The Easiest Way to Make Delicious Noodles for Breakfast, No Oil or Salt, Balanced Nutrition, Simple and Easy to Learn, Make A Pot in 10 Minutes! recipe


The side dishes in the noodles can be changed, so babies can change to their favorite dishes~


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