Tofu Silk Egg Soup

Tofu Silk Egg Soup

by lunalunaluna

4.7 (1)







This soup is Lu Xiaolu’s favorite. I often eat shredded tofu as noodles for breakfast, and then cook a bowl of noodles for my husband. This soup is also full, without burden, and full of nutrition! "


Tofu Silk Egg Soup

1. Material preparation

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe

2. Beat an egg with pepper and salt

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe

3. The tomatoes are blanched with boiling water, peeled and cut into small pieces

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe

4. Make water in a pot, add ginger cubes to boil

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe

5. Add tomatoes to boil, season with salt

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe

6. Add tofu shreds and roll

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe

7. Put in fresh soy sauce

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe

8. Beat in the eggs

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe

9. Add coriander and it will be out of the pot in less than ten minutes!

Tofu Silk Egg Soup recipe


This is Lu Xiaolu’s favorite soup. You can make breakfast in the morning. You can add a little more soup during lunch and dinner. It is delicious and simple in seasoning. Of course, you can also put some chives and mushrooms if you like. , Haimi, this is the basic configuration, and the rest are free to play! But the biggest beauty is that the noodles are replaced with shredded tofu, which is nutritious enough to eat, and you are not afraid of getting fat!


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