Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed

by Seven nine stars

4.7 (1)







Today's lunch soup: Shrimp skin kelp tofu soup!
Don't underestimate this little Supor health pot, which has many functions and can cook anything. The glass body is not afraid of greasy, it is very convenient to clean!
This soup tastes light and delicious. Shrimp skins, kelp and tofu are all very nutritious foods. Together, they can not only supplement calcium and iodine, but also supplement protein! The whole family is suitable for eating. And the production is very simple. Please see the steps!


Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed

1. Soak the dried kelp in water in advance.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

2. Soak the shrimp skin 20 minutes in advance.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

3. Wash the soaked kelp and cut into strips.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

4. Add proper amount of water to the health pot, then add ginger and proper amount of cooking wine to turn on the health porridge mode.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

5. When the water is boiled, add the kelp and continue cooking.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

6. Wash the tofu, cut into chunks, and set aside.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

7. After 30 minutes, pour the tofu cubes into the health pot and cook them together.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

8. Continue to cook for another 5 minutes, then add the dried shrimp skins and cook for another 5 minutes.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

9. Then add salt to taste.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe

10. Just drizzle with sesame oil before serving.

Tofu Soup with Shrimp Skin and Seaweed recipe


Put the ginger and cooking wine into the water in advance to boil, and then put the kelp, which can effectively remove the fishy smell of kelp and shrimp skin.
Dried kelp is more difficult to cook, at least cook for half an hour to taste good. But it is also based on personal taste. Those who like a bit more crispy taste can cook for a shorter time.
If you use the broth to make this shrimp skin kelp soup, the taste will be even better~


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