Tomato Rosemary Focaccia

Tomato Rosemary Focaccia

by Food·Color

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I wanted to copy a curious bread, but I was inspired by it in an instant, so I decided to start with a tomato and rosemary focaccia based on it.
As usual, the dough uses Meng's recipe, and the surface ingredients are a combination of Meng and the book of revelation. It is another golden pie with long grass. I deliberately roasted it for a while longer to get a slightly thicker skin-the shell is the most fragrant and the best.


Tomato Rosemary Focaccia

1. Dough material: 150 grams of high-gluten flour, 5 grams of fine sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of dry yeast, 85 grams of water, 5 grams of corn oil

Ingredients: 1.5 tsp corn oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of black pepper, 2 small tomatoes, appropriate amount of fresh rosemary

Tomato Rosemary Focaccia recipe

2. Pour the dough material except the oil into a large basin, stir it into a flocculent shape, add the oil, and continue to stir until the film is stretched. Put it in a bowl and let it rise for 60 minutes until the dough grows up. Exhaust, spheronize, and relax for 10 minutes. Roll into a round cake with a diameter of about 20-25 cm, put it on a baking tray, and leave it to rise for 20 minutes.

Tomato Rosemary Focaccia recipe

3. Wash and dry rosemary, and pick the leaves. Wash the small tomatoes, remove the stalks, and cut into round slices. spare. Finally, when the fermentation is over, brush oil on the surface of the noodles, and poke small pits with one finger.

Tomato Rosemary Focaccia recipe

4. Put the small tomatoes in the small pits, and use thin sticks in the gaps between the tomatoes. Sprinkle salt and black pepper on the surface of the dough in turn. Finally, insert the rosemary into the small hole. Put it in the oven, middle level, heat up to 190 degrees, lower heat to 170 degrees, bake for about 25 minutes, the surface is golden, out of the oven

Tomato Rosemary Focaccia recipe


There is no fresh rosemary, you can use dried rosemary instead.
The surface ingredients of the dough can be changed as you like.
The baking time and firepower need to be adjusted according to the actual situation of the oven.


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