Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup

by For the cat _XYZ

5.0 (1)







The ingredients needed for this dessert are all very common. The method couldn’t be simpler. Tremella, snow pear and red dates soup has the effects of nourishing yin and preventing dryness, clearing heat and nourishing lungs, and nourishing the middle and replenishing qi. It is especially suitable for consumption in the current season.


Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup

1. Prepare the required ingredients

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe

2. Wash and tear fresh white fungus

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe

3. Peel and cut Sydney pears

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe

4. Pour the white fungus and red dates into the pot

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe

5. Add appropriate amount of water

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe

6. Press the cooking function key

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe

7. When the white fungus is boiled until viscous, pour into the pear cubes and cook for ten minutes

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe

8. Add yellow rock sugar and cook until the sugar melts

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe

9. Finally put goji berries

Tremella, Sydney, Red Date Soup recipe


Fresh white fungus does not need to be soaked. It is about 40-50 minutes. The ingredients can be replaced at will according to your taste.


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