Two Green Soy Milk

Two Green Soy Milk

by Food·Color

4.6 (1)







Green beans, green dried soybeans, the appearance of soybeans before they turn yellow. It can be said that it is soybeans who refuse to grow old, taking advantage of their youth to dry up, and staying in the age of youth forever?
Mung beans are naturally green. I really don’t know what mung beans look like when they grow old.
Mung beans are rich in starch, and green soybeans are rich in protein. The same is green, but they have different connotations. The two guys got together and turned the soy milk into blue-gray. It seems that the taste of mung beans is more prominent?


Two Green Soy Milk

1. Ingredients: 30 grams of mung beans, 65 grams of green soybeans, 1000 ml of water

Two Green Soy Milk recipe

2. Wash and drain the two beans separately

Two Green Soy Milk recipe

3. Add water to soak until the hair rises, pour it into the soybean milk machine

Two Green Soy Milk recipe

4. Add clean water, the water level is not lower than the lowest water level

Two Green Soy Milk recipe

5. Install the machine head, start the full nutrition function, when the beating is over, pour out and drink

Two Green Soy Milk recipe


The amount of mung bean can be increased or decreased as you like, but not too much.
Mung beans are cold, and people with deficiency of the spleen and stomach should not use too much.


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