Vegetable Fritters

Vegetable Fritters

by Delightful food temptation

4.8 (1)








Vegetable Fritters

1. Appropriate amount of kidney beans, tear off the old tendons, cut into thin slices, and put them in a bowl. Add appropriate amount of salt to the bowl, stir well and marinate for 10 minutes.

Vegetable Fritters recipe

2. 1 large red pepper, remove the seeds and stalks, and cut into pepper cubes for later use.

Vegetable Fritters recipe

3. Three eggs, beat them into a bowl and set aside. Squeeze the marinated green beans to dryness, add to the egg bowl, add red pepper diced, add appropriate amount of chopped green onion, salt, thirteen spice powder and freshwater shrimp skin, then pour in appropriate amount of wet starch, and stir evenly.

Vegetable Fritters recipe

4. Heat the pan to remove the oil, pour the egg liquid after the pan is lighted, and fry into an egg cake on low heat. Turn the pot to fry one side and fry it until fragrant. Fry the fragrant on one side and turn it over, fry the fragrant on the other side.

Vegetable Fritters recipe

5. Place the egg pie on the cutting board, divide it into 8 evenly, and place the egg pie on the plate one by one. The plate is garnished with fennel and tomatoes, and it is delicious.

Vegetable Fritters recipe

6. Finished picture

Vegetable Fritters recipe


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