Vegetable Salad

Vegetable Salad

by Little Li Binbin

4.8 (1)







Vegetable salad is a very nutritious and healthy diet. First of all, it does not need to be heated, which will keep the various nutrients in the vegetables to the greatest extent from being destroyed or lost. Vegetable salad is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and various minerals necessary for the human body. It also contains a lot of water and fiber, which can effectively promote health and enhance the body's immunity.


Vegetable Salad

1. Peel the tin lettuce and purple cabbage soak in water for ten minutes, rinse and remove

Vegetable Salad recipe

2. Peel the green cucumber

Vegetable Salad recipe

3. Cucumber slices on hob

Vegetable Salad recipe

4. Wash the okra and remove the stalks

Vegetable Salad recipe

5. Cut the okra into small pieces

Vegetable Salad recipe

6. Tear the tin lettuce into small pieces by hand

Vegetable Salad recipe

7. Cut the purple cabbage into filaments for later use

Vegetable Salad recipe

8. Will cut and dry the water

Vegetable Salad recipe

9. Put all ingredients, salad, yogurt, condensed milk in the same container

Vegetable Salad recipe

10. Stir all the ingredients evenly and put them in the refrigerator for a while so that the taste will be better

Vegetable Salad recipe


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