Watercress Lean Meat Soup

Watercress Lean Meat Soup

by hlybb

4.6 (1)







Watercress, also called watercress, is rich in nutrients and is said to nourish the lungs and relieve coughs. It is one of my favorite green vegetable soups. It has a light and special taste and is a very good soup.


Watercress Lean Meat Soup

1. Prepare a bowl of bone soup in advance, you can also boil it in water and boil it

Watercress Lean Meat Soup recipe

2. Wash the watercress, pick short, add it to the soup and boil for a few minutes

Watercress Lean Meat Soup recipe

3. Add some salt to taste

Watercress Lean Meat Soup recipe

4. Add the lean meat, boil over high heat, and quickly smash the meat

Watercress Lean Meat Soup recipe

5. Boil for about a minute or two and it will be out of the pot

Watercress Lean Meat Soup recipe


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