Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper

Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper

by Your baby (from Tencent...)

4.7 (1)







Black fungus, nourishes blood, nourishes the lungs, replenishes qi and strengthens the body, is known as "the meat of the vegetarian" and is extremely nutritious. According to historical records, it is an exclusive product for emperors in ancient times. It contains a large amount of carbohydrates, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, carotene, vitamins and other nutrients. It contains 375 mg of calcium per 100 grams, which is equivalent to 7% of crucian carp. Times; 185 mg of iron, equivalent to 70 times that of crucian carp.

Maicome Tomato Juice

Drink a bottle of tomato juice every day to replenish the lycopene needed by the body. Lycopene can also eliminate oxidative free radicals through chemical reactions with other forms of active oxygen, such as hydrogen peroxide, nitrite and other oxidative free radicals. Free radicals can cause lipid peroxidation to form a variety of products, which are related to human aging, cancer, autoimmune diseases, anemia and other diseases.


Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper

1. Soak the black fungus in clear water ((warm water in winter, cool water in summer) for later use; peel and mince garlic for later use; remove stalks and seeds of red hot pepper and cut obliquely into rings for later use; wash shallots and mince, wash parsley to get crisp and tender Partially cut into pellets for later use;

Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper recipe

2. Sprinkle a little salt on the black fungus that has been swollen, scrub, decontaminate and sterilize, and then rinse with clean water for later use;

Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper recipe

3. Boil the black fungus in the pot with water, blanch the black fungus until it is broken, remove the dried water and put it in a large bowl

Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper recipe

4. Pickled red hot pepper rings and diced parsley with a little salt and sugar, then spread on the black fungus, sprinkle the minced garlic and green onion. Take a small bowl, mix in an appropriate amount of salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 1 teaspoon phoenix sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, mix well and pour on the black fungus;

Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper recipe

5. Heat the wok, pour 1 tablespoon of edible oil and burn the oil until it smokes, pour the hot oil on the chopped garlic and shallot, mix well and serve.

Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper recipe

6. Our skin itself contains lycopene and beta carotene. However, because of their insufficient content on the skin, and tomatoes contain a large amount of magical lycopene, which can fully play the function of protecting the skin, it is recommended that all beauty lovers Meimeis and women eat a bottle of honey wolfberry tomato juice to replenish lycopene to clean up free radicals. Enjoy the anti-aging effects of tomatoes.

Weight Loss and Detoxification: Black Fungus with Vinegar Pepper recipe


Black fungus, nourishes blood, nourishes the lungs, replenishes qi and strengthens the body, is known as "the meat of the vegetarian" and is extremely nutritious. According to historical records, it is an exclusive product for emperors in ancient times. It contains a large amount of carbohydrates, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, carotene, vitamins and other nutrients. It contains 375 mg of calcium per 100 grams, which is equivalent to 7% of crucian carp. Times; 185 mg of iron, equivalent to 70 times that of crucian carp.

Women consume an average of about 600 calories in one meal. If one or two meals are replaced with Maicombe tomato juice, the intake of hundreds of calories can be reduced. This will not cause too much stress and will not cause the body to lack nutrients. Compared with the normal intake of three meals a day, it will be much less, so that you can achieve weight loss.


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